Littleborough Rushbearing Festival

The Littleborough Rushbearing Festival was started up in 1991, reviving a long held tradition in the North West, and now becoming one of the biggest festivals of its kind.

Rushbearing officially dates back to the 10th Century AD and Pope Gregory: who stated that rushes should be taken to the church to be laid on the floor, for warmth.  This happened on the particular parish churches Saints day.  Like most Christian traditions, it was very probably a hijacked tradition from the indigenous customs of this region. Nevertheless, it became an annual event in many towns and villages across the North West.

Now its an occasion to celebrate the unique heritage of the North West, and is part of the revival of folk arts of the region. We are delighted to be able to join with the Rushbearing festivities – and ensure the canal takes its rightful place in the celebrations.

For more information on the festival and events going on over the weekend see:

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